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AMS 2472

by | Jun 7, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Enhanced Performance Benefits: AMS 2472 anodizing significantly improves aluminum’s corrosion resistance, surface hardness, and adhesion properties, crucial for aerospace and defense applications.
  • Quality Assurance and Standards Compliance: Choosing a certified AMS 2472 anodizing supplier ensures adherence to rigorous industry standards, essential for meeting aerospace requirements.
  • Applications and Versatility: AMS 2472 anodized aluminum finds diverse applications in aerospace, defense, space, and electronics due to its durability, aesthetic appeal, and electrical insulation properties.


Choosing the right surface finishing partner is critical to the success of aerospace components, which must meet the highest durability, reliability, and precision standards. Valence Surface Technologies stands out as your premier partner for premium surface finishing solutions, ensuring that your products meet and exceed the rigorous requirements of the aerospace, defense, and space industries. Contact us today to learn how we can support your finishing needs and help take your aerospace components to new heights.


What Is AMS 2472? Understanding The Basics

AMS 2472 is an authoritative standard set forth by SAE International, formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers. This standard specifies the precise requirements and procedures for the anodic treatment of aluminum and aluminum alloys.

Anodic treatment, also known as anodizing, is a process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. It is a critical technique used in the aerospace, aviation, defense, and space industries due to its ability to enhance aluminum components’ corrosion resistance, surface hardness, and wear resistance.

The specifications detailed in AMS 2472 include the types of coatings, preparation procedures, anodizing conditions, quality assurance tests, and performance criteria necessary for achieving the desired properties of anodized aluminum. This ensures treated surfaces meet stringent industry standards, providing enhanced durability, longevity, and reliability essential for the demanding environments encountered in aerospace applications.


The Anodizing Process In AMS 2472

Anodizing under AMS 2472 involves a precise electrochemical process that enhances the natural oxide layer on aluminum parts. This enhancement substantially increases the material’s resistance to corrosion and wear, making it essential for the longevity and efficiency of aerospace components. The process includes several vital steps:



  • The aluminum part undergoes thorough cleaning to remove contaminants like grease, oil, and dirt. This ensures a good electrical connection and a uniform oxide layer during anodizing.
  • Additional pre-treatments like etching might be used to prepare the surface further, depending on the specific alloy.


Masking (Optional)

  • Masking techniques like tape or lacquer are applied for parts requiring specific areas to remain un-anodized (bare metal).


Anodizing Bath

  • The pre-treated part is submerged in a sulfuric acid bath as the electrolyte.
  • An electrical current is passed through the solution, with the aluminum part acting as the anode (positively charged) and a cathode (negatively charged) immersed in the bath.
  • This electrical process triggers the formation of an aluminum oxide layer on the part’s surface.



  • In AMS 2472, the part might be transferred to a dye bath after the initial oxide layer formation.
  • The porous structure of the oxide layer allows the dye to be absorbed, resulting in the desired color.
  • Different dyes and dyeing techniques can achieve a variety of colors.



  • The anodized and (potentially) dyed part undergoes a sealing process. This is typically done by boiling the part in hot water or using a nickel fluoride solution.
  • Sealing closes the pores in the oxide layer, improving the coating’s corrosion resistance and overall durability.


Finishing Touches (Optional)

  • Additional finishing steps like deburring or machining might be performed depending on the application after anodizing and sealing.

Important Notes:

  • The specific details of each step, such as bath temperatures, current densities, and dyeing methods, can vary depending on the chosen process parameters and the specific aluminum alloy being treated.
  • AMS 2472 references these details but leaves them to the qualified anodizing service provider to determine based on experience and achieving optimal results.


Benefits Of AMS 2472 Anodizing

Here, we will explore this process’s advantages and how it can serve companies seeking top-tier surface finishing solutions.


Enhanced Corrosion Resistance

One of the primary benefits of AMS 2472 anodizing is its exceptional ability to improve corrosion resistance. This is particularly crucial in the aerospace, defense, and space industries, where components are often exposed to harsh environments. The anodic layer formed through AMS 2472 specifications acts as a barrier, protecting the aluminum substrate from corrosive elements and extending the component’s service life.


Improved Surface Hardness

The treatment process involved in AMS 2472 anodizing increases surface hardness, enhancing aluminum components’ wear resistance. This improved durability is vital for parts subject to rigorous operational conditions, ensuring they perform reliably over time. Through AMS 2472 anodizing, components gain protection against abrasions and wear.


Superior Adhesion for Paint and Primers

AMS 2472 anodizing protects and strengthens aluminum components and improves their adaptability to coatings. The process generates a porous surface that provides an excellent base for paint, primers, and other coatings. This improved adhesion is essential for aerospace applications requiring additional protective or aesthetic layers.


Electrical Insulation Benefits

AMS 2472 anodizing offers significant advantages for components where electrical insulation is necessary. The anodic layer serves as an effective insulator, enhancing the electrical performance of components. This characteristic is particularly beneficial for the aviation, defense, and space industries, where electrical insulation is crucial for safety and functionality.


Consistent Aesthetic Finish

Beyond the functional benefits, AMS 2472 anodizing also provides aluminum components with a uniform and aesthetically pleasing finish. The process allows for consistent color and gloss levels, meeting the stringent aesthetic requirements of the aerospace industry. This consistent finish not only enhances the appearance but also supports aerospace companies’ branding and design specifications.


 Consistent Aesthetic Finish


Quality Control And Testing In AMS 2472

The AMS 2472 standard for dyed anodic coatings on aluminum alloys demands a rigorous approach to quality control (QC) and testing. This ensures consistent, high-performance finishes that meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry.


Proactive Quality Measures

  • Pre-treatment: Meticulous cleaning procedures guarantee a pristine surface for optimal oxide layer formation and dye uptake.
  • Masking (if applicable): Precise masking techniques prevent unintended anodizing, ensuring well-defined color distribution and adherence to design specifications.


In-Process Inspections and Testing

  • Oxide Layer Thickness: Regular monitoring ensures the thickness adheres to AMS 2472 requirements, guaranteeing optimal corrosion resistance and functionality.
  • Visual Assessments: Thorough visual inspections detect any inconsistencies in color, surface uniformity, or blemishes that might compromise the finished product’s aesthetic or performance.
  • Adhesion Testing: This verifies the oxide layer’s robust adherence to the underlying aluminum, which is crucial for long-term durability and resistance to wear.


Post-Processing Testing

  • Salt Spray Testing: This simulates exposure to harsh environments, rigorously evaluating the coating’s ability to withstand corrosion.
  • Microscopic Examination: Advanced microscopy allows for the analysis of the oxide layer structure, confirming proper formation and uniform dye distribution.
  • Spectral Analysis (Optional): For critical applications, spectral analysis can validate the dye composition, ensuring color stability and conformance to predefined specifications.


Comprehensive Documentation and Records

  • Maintaining meticulous records of all QC checks and test results fosters traceability and demonstrates adherence to AMS 2472. This documentation is vital for ensuring consistent quality and meeting regulatory requirements.


Responsibility and Oversight

  • The qualified anodizing service provider is responsible for implementing and upholding these rigorous QC and testing procedures. They must employ qualified personnel and maintain calibrated equipment to ensure consistent and reliable results.
  • Purchasers can request specific QC data or certifications to verify that the parts meet their particular requirements and the stringent provisions of AMS 2472.


Benefits of Rigorous QC and Testing

  • Consistent Finishes: Rigorous QC guarantees consistent color and finish across all parts, maintaining a high aesthetic standard.
  • Performance Assurance: Comprehensive testing ascertains the coating’s performance in terms of corrosion resistance and durability, ensuring the parts meet the demanding specifications of aerospace applications.
  • Reduced Rework and Failures: Strict QC minimizes the risk of product failures or the need for rework, saving time and resources.
  • Enhanced Confidence: Stringent QC and testing instill confidence in the manufacturer and the end-user, knowing the parts meet the highest quality standards.

Comprehensive quality control and testing are not mere formalities in AMS 2472; they are essential for achieving dyed anodized aluminum parts’ desired aesthetic and performance. By prioritizing these aspects, manufacturers can produce reliable and visually appealing components that meet the aerospace industry’s demanding expectations.


Applications Of AMS 2472 Anodized Aluminum

AMS 2472 dyed anodic coatings offer a unique combination of aesthetics and functionality, making them a popular choice for various applications where both color and performance are crucial. Here’s a breakdown of some prominent applications:


Aerospace Components

Aircraft components demand materials that can withstand extreme conditions without compromising on weight. AMS 2472 anodized aluminum is extensively used in the manufacture of aircraft structures, such as wing and fuselage panels, due to its excellent strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance. This anodic coating process also enhances the aluminum’s surface hardness, making it more resistant to wear and tear, which is essential for the longevity of aircraft parts.


Defense Equipment

In the defense sector, reliability and durability are paramount. Equipment and vehicles are often exposed to harsh environments, requiring a finish that can provide lasting protection. AMS 2472 anodized aluminum is instrumental in this regard, offering enhanced corrosion resistance and surface hardness. This not only extends the service life of defense equipment but also contributes to its overall performance and reliability in high-stake scenarios.


Space Applications

The burgeoning space industry relies heavily on materials that can endure the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures and radiation. Anodized aluminum, compliant with AMS 2472, is frequently utilized in the construction of spacecraft and satellite components. The anodic coating serves as a protective barrier, safeguarding the material against the vacuum of space, temperature fluctuations, and micrometeoroid impacts. Additionally, the process enhances the aluminum’s thermal properties, making it suitable for various applications within space vehicles.


Electronic Enclosures

Due to its excellent electrical insulation properties, AMS 2472 anodized aluminum is a preferred choice for electronic enclosures, including those used in avionics. The anodic layer efficiently prevents electrical interference, ensuring the optimal performance of sensitive electronic systems in aircraft and defense equipment. Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal of anodized aluminum, combined with its durability, makes it ideal for visible components requiring a high-quality finish.


Challenges And Considerations In Implementing AMS 2472

While AMS 2472 offers numerous benefits, implementing this standard requires careful planning and consideration of potential challenges. Here’s a breakdown of some key areas to address:


Process Expertise

  • Qualified Anodizers: AMS 2472 demands expertise in anodizing techniques and a deep understanding of the specific requirements outlined in the standard. Partnering with a qualified NADCAP-certified anodizing service provider is crucial.
  • Process Control: Maintaining consistent process parameters like bath temperatures, current densities, and dye selection is essential for achieving uniform color and desired properties.


Part Design and Suitability

  • Geometric Complexity: Parts with intricate shapes or hidden cavities can pose challenges during anodizing. Solution entrapment can lead to uneven coloring or coating defects. Redesigning parts for better anodizability might be necessary.
  • Material Compatibility: While most aluminum alloys can be anodized with AMS 2472, consulting with a specialist is crucial to ensure compatibility with the specific alloy chosen.


Color Selection and Consistency

  • Dye Availability: The desired color palette needs to be achievable with commercially available dyes within the limitations of AMS 2472.
  • Color Matching: Matching a specific color exactly can be challenging due to factors like dye variations and base metal composition. Working closely with the anodizer for color matching is crucial.
  • Color Stability: Long-term color stability, especially when exposed to UV radiation, might be a concern for certain applications. Consulting with the anodizer about suitable dyes for optimal colorfastness is recommended.


Cost and Lead Time

  • Cost Considerations: AMS 2472 anodizing can be more expensive than alternative finishes like painting due to the specialized process and potential for rework if issues arise.
  • Lead Time: The anodizing process can add to the overall lead time compared to simpler finishing methods. Factor this into production scheduling.


Quality Control and Inspection

  • Rigorous Inspection: Thorough quality control measures at each stage, including pre-treatment, anodizing, dyeing, and sealing, are essential to ensure conformance to AMS 2472 specifications.
  • Testing Requirements: Depending on the application’s criticality, additional testing like salt spray testing or spectral analysis might be necessary.

Overcoming these challenges often involves close collaboration between the designer, manufacturer, and the qualified anodizing service provider. Effective communication, careful planning, and clear understanding of the desired outcome are key to successful implementation of AMS 2472.

At Valence Surface Technologies, we understand the complexities involved in implementing the AMS 2472 standard. Our commitment to serving as the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing drives us to overcome these challenges through innovation and excellence. With our comprehensive, integrated solution, we ensure that our clients can navigate the intricacies of AMS 2472 compliance, delivering products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.


How To Choose A Qualified AMS 2472 Anodizing Supplier

Here are several critical factors to consider when selecting a supplier capable of meeting these rigorous standards.


Certifications and Standards Compliance

First and foremost, verify that the supplier is certified to perform AMS 2472 anodizing processes. Certifications are a testament to a provider’s commitment to upholding industry standards and delivering services that meet or exceed these benchmarks.


Technical Expertise and Experience

The complexity of the AMS 2472 specifications necessitates a deep technical understanding of anodizing practices and the nuances of working with aerospace-grade materials. Look for a supplier with a proven track record of success in executing projects of similar scope and complexity. 


Integrated Solutions

For aerospace companies, the simplification of the supply chain is a significant advantage. Valence Surface Technologies stands out in its ability to offer a completely integrated solution for aerospace product finishing. By choosing a supplier that can handle a wide array of processes in-house, you can reduce turnaround times, streamline logistics, and ensure consistent quality across all surface finishing requirements.


Quality Control and Assurance

Quality assurance is paramount in aerospace applications where every detail matters. Investigate the supplier’s quality control measures, including in-process inspections, final inspections, and any available quality metrics or performance indicators. 


Commitment to Partnership

Finally, select a supplier that views its relationship with clients as a partnership. The goal is to work with a provider that is not only transactional but also invested in the success of your projects. Valence Surface Technologies exemplifies this approach through its mission to be the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing.

In summary, selecting a qualified AMS 2472 anodizing supplier involves a thorough evaluation of their certifications, technical capabilities, integrated service offerings, commitment to quality, and partnership approach. By considering these factors, aerospace companies can ensure their components achieve the highest standards of durability, performance, and compliance with industry-specific requirements.


 Commitment to Partnership


Additional Read:


Frequently Asked Questions 

How does AMS 2472 differ from other anodizing specifications?

AMS 2472 is an aerospace material specification that outlines the standard for Type II anodic coatings on aluminum. This specific type of anodizing focuses on creating a corrosion-resistant, decorative finish with good wear properties, differing from other specifications like AMS 2471 (Type I) and AMS 2482 (hard coat), which may prioritize attributes such as corrosion resistance or thickness for various applications.


What industries use AMS 2472 anodizing?

AMS 2472 anodizing is predominantly used in the aerospace, defense, and space industries due to its ability to enhance corrosion resistance and wear characteristics of aluminum components. Its applications span airframes, spacecraft structures, and defense-related aluminum equipment, where reliability and long-lasting surface protection are paramount.


How long does AMS 2472 anodizing last?

The durability of AMS 2472 anodizing depends on factors such as the environment it is exposed to, the base aluminum alloy, and the thickness of the anodic coating. However, AMS 2472 anodized finishes are known for their excellent corrosion resistance and durability, often lasting for decades under normal conditions.


Is AMS 2472 anodizing suitable for cosmetic applications?

Yes, AMS 2472 anodizing is suitable for cosmetic applications. It enhances the natural look of aluminum by adding a decorative finish and offers a wide range of colors through dyeing processes. This makes it attractive for aerospace components requiring aesthetic appeal and functional performance.


Can AMS 2472 anodizing be performed on all aluminum alloys?

Most aluminum alloys can be anodized according to AMS 2472, but the specific alloying elements can affect the final appearance and properties of the anodized layer. Some alloys are more suitable for anodizing than others, and certain alloys may require pre-treatment or special consideration during the anodizing process to achieve desired results.


What are the cost considerations of AMS 2472 anodizing?

Costs vary based on part complexity, size, and quantity. Factors such as material preparation, process control, and quality assurance also influence the overall cost of AMS 2472 anodizing.


What are the advantages of AMS 2472 over traditional painting methods?

AMS 2472 anodizing offers superior abrasion resistance and better corrosion protection. It also eliminates the risk of chipping or peeling associated with traditional painting methods. Additionally, anodized finishes provide improved adhesion for paints and bonding agents if additional surface treatments are required.


How can I ensure compliance with AMS 2472 specifications?

Partnering with an experienced aerospace product finishing company like Valence Surface Technologies can ensure compliance with AMS 2472 specifications. Valence’s specialized processes, adherence to stringent industry standards, and comprehensive quality control measures ensure that all anodizing treatments meet or exceed AMS 2472 requirements.


What are the limitations of AMS 2472 anodizing?

While AMS 2472 anodizing offers significant benefits, its effectiveness can be limited by factors such as alloy selection, part geometry, and the specific environment in which it will be used. Additionally, the color consistency of dyed anodized finishes can vary, and extreme environments may necessitate additional protective measures.


How can I determine if AMS 2472 anodizing is suitable for my project?

Determining if AMS 2472 anodizing is suitable for your project involves evaluating your components’ intended application, environmental conditions, and material specifications. Consulting with surface finishing experts, like those at Valence Surface Technologies, can guide the appropriateness of AMS 2472 anodizing for your specific needs and help identify the optimal finishing solution.

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