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by | Jun 4, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Ensures Consistency and Quality: AMS-C-26074 outlines stringent requirements to guarantee uniform and reliable electroless nickel plating, essential for complex shapes and high-precision aerospace components.
  • Comprehensive Process Standards: The standard includes detailed pre-treatment, plating, post-treatment, and quality control procedures, ensuring optimal coating performance tailored to specific applications.
  • Industry Versatility: AMS-C-26074 is applicable across multiple sectors, including aerospace, defense, space, electronics, and oil & gas, providing enhanced wear resistance, corrosion protection, and thermal durability for critical components.


Adherence to standards like AMS-C-26074 is critical for industries operating in environments where precision and durability are paramount. At Valence Surface Technologies, we provide top-of-the-line surface finishing solutions that meet and exceed these stringent specifications.

Our ability to deliver a fully integrated solution ensures that our partners receive the highest quality finishes that are compliant with industry regulations, effectively serving the needs of the aviation, defense, and space industries.


What Is AMS-C-26074? An Overview Of Electroless Nickel Plating

AMS-C-26074 is a specification standard that outlines the requirements for electroless nickel plating, a critical process in the aerospace industry for enhancing component performance and durability. This standard was established by the Aerospace Material Specifications Committee, a division of SAE International. AMS-C-26074 details the engineering and quality requisites to create uniform and reliable electroless nickel plating.

Electroless nickel plating is a method of depositing nickel alloy onto a substrate without using an electric current. Unlike electroplating, it relies on an autocatalytic chemical process that ensures even coverage, regardless of the geometry of the plated part. This characteristic makes it highly desirable for complex shapes and objects with hidden areas or deep recesses that traditional electroplating might miss.

The AMS-C-26074 standard encompasses various aspects of the plating process, including:

  • Pre-treatment procedures: Ensuring surfaces are adequately prepared before plating.
  • Plating requirements: Determining the uniform thickness and quality of the nickel deposit.
  • Post-treatment processes: Including heat treatments, which aim to improve the deposit’s adhesion and structural integrity.
  • Quality control measures: Ensuring consistency and reliability of the finished parts through rigorous testing and inspection protocols.

The standard also differentiates between various classes and grades of electroless nickel plating. Each is tailored to suit specific environmental conditions and applications, such as providing corrosion resistance, enhancing surface hardness, or promoting wear resistance.


Key Benefits Of AMS-C-26074 Electroless Nickel Coatings

AMS-C-26074 Electroless Nickel Coatings are an essential part of surface finishing in aerospace, defense, and space industries, providing several performance advantages critical for components exposed to harsh environments. Here are the key benefits:


Enhanced Wear Resistance

Electroless nickel coatings under AMS-C-26074 improve the wear resistance of treated parts. The uniform deposition of nickel-phosphorus alloy extends the service life by reducing the wear rate, especially in components that operate under constant friction and require a durable surface.


Improved Corrosion Protection

One of the primary advantages of the AMS-C-26074 specification is its exceptional corrosion protection. A barrier shields the substrate metal from corrosive elements during the electroless nickel plating. This property is particularly significant in aerospace applications where components are frequently exposed to corrosive agents.


Consistent Thickness

The electroless plating process ensures a uniform coating, depositing a consistent layer of nickel alloy across the surface of parts with complex geometries. This uniformity is crucial for aerospace components with strict dimensional tolerances and even coverage to maintain aerodynamic integrity and performance.


Magnetics and Conductivity

Depending on the phosphorus content, electroless nickel coatings per AMS-C-26074 can be made magnetic or non-magnetic, catering to the specific requirements of various aerospace components. Additionally, these coatings have excellent electrical conductivity, making them suitable for electronic parts in aviation and defense systems.


Temperature and Hardness Advantages

AMS-C-26074 coatings are known for their high melting point and exceptional hardness, which makes them appropriate for use in high-temperature conditions. This characteristic is vital in aerospace, where components may be subjected to extreme operating temperatures.

By leveraging AMS-C-26074 electroless nickel coatings, aerospace companies can enhance the longevity and functionality of their components. Valence Surface Technologies, a renowned aerospace product finishing company, ensures that your components receive the highest surface treatment standard in full compliance with industry specifications, solidifying your products’ performance in demanding aerospace applications.


Understanding The Composition Requirements Of AMS-C-26074

Under AMS-C-26074, the electroless nickel coatings must consist of a nickel-phosphorus alloy, which can be categorized by the percentage of phosphorus into low, medium, and high-level phosphorus contents. Each category serves different needs based on their unique properties:

  • Low Phosphorus (2-5% P): These coatings provide high hardness and are thus suitable for wear-resistant applications. Additionally, they exhibit good solderability and are magnetic.
  • Medium Phosphorus (6-9% P): Offering a balance of properties, medium phosphorus coatings are semi-bright with moderate hardness and good corrosion resistance, which benefits components exposed to harsh environments.
  • High Phosphorus (10-13% P): These coatings exhibit excellent corrosion resistance and are non-magnetic, making them ideal for electronic applications. Due to their purity and microstructure, they are also used in applications where a reduction in friction is essential.

The standard further mandates that the electroless nickel plating must be uniform in thickness, a critical requirement for aerospace components that must adhere to tight tolerances. Moreover, the plated parts must undergo a series of tests to ensure their conformity to the specifications, which includes checks for adhesion, hardness, and the coating’s ability to withstand heat aging without detriment to its performance.


nickel coatings


Testing And Inspection Standards For AMS-C-26074 Coatings

Ensuring the highest quality and standards in aerospace coatings is of paramount importance. For companies seeking top-line surface finishing, the AMS-C-26074 standard outlines the requirements for coating application and performance characteristics. Strict testing and inspection are integral to certifying compliance with this standard, especially for components that must withstand harsh operational environments.

To meet the stringent requirements of AMS-C-26074, multiple tests are conducted throughout the coating process:

  • Thickness Test: This test ensures that the thickness of the electroless nickel coating meets the precise specifications for the desired application. The thickness is typically measured with non-destructive methods such as magnetic, eddy current, or ultrasonic gauges to verify that it falls within the specified range.
  • Adhesion Test: The adhesion of the electroless nickel coating to the substrate is critical to the component’s performance. Common tests, such as the pull-off or tape tests, are performed to ensure the coating will not flake or peel under stress.
  • Corrosion Resistance Test: Given the various environments in which aerospace components operate, the coating must effectively resist corrosion. Salt spray (fog) testing is often employed, wherein the specimen is exposed to a saline mist and checked for signs of corrosion after a specified period.
  • Hardness Test: The coating’s hardness is indicative of its wear resistance. Hardness is generally assessed using a microhardness tester that measures the coating’s indentation hardness under specific loads.
  • Uniformity and Appearance Inspection: The uniformity and appearance of the coating are visually inspected to ensure they meet the required standard. Any inconsistencies or imperfections that could affect the part’s performance can lead to the rejection of the lot.

Fulfilling these testing protocols is predicated upon the successful application of AMS-C-26074 coatings. Companies seeking high-quality aerospace surface finishing understand that compliance with such specifications is not optional but mandatory for the safety and longevity of aerospace components.

Heat Treatment Classes In AMS-C-26074: Choosing The Right Option

The AMS-C-26074 standard specifies different heat treatment classes, and selecting the correct class for a particular application is essential to achieving the desired outcomes.

  • Class 1: This class is for as-plated electroless nickel, which undergoes no heat treatment after plating other than to remove hydrogen embrittlement. Class 1 is suited for applications where the plated component will be subject to minimal thermal stress and requires the enhanced corrosion resistance imparted by the electroless nickel deposit.
  • Class 2: In this class, the electroless nickel-coated items receive a heat treatment at temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) to improve adhesion and provide stress relief to the plated layer. This class is ideal for components needing more significant stress relief levels without sacrificing the integrity of their dimensionally uniform coating.
  • Class 3: This heat treatment class involves heating the plated parts at temperatures between 280°C and 400°C (536°F and 752°F). It is designed to increase the coating’s hardness and wear resistance, making it particularly suitable for parts that operate in environments where they might be subjected to high levels of wear or need to maintain their precision dimensions.
  • Class 4: Class 4 treatment is the highest level, with the components exposed to temperatures above 400°C (752°F). This high-temperature process further improves hardness and wear resistance, ensuring the longevity of the plating in the most demanding applications. It is commonly used for parts with critical corrosion and wear resistance in high-temperature operations.

Choosing the right heat treatment class under AMS-C-26074 involves considering the coated component’s intended application, its environmental conditions, and the plating’s performance objectives. It’s about balancing the need for corrosion resistance wear properties and maintaining material integrity under varying thermal conditions.


Application Guidelines For AMS-C-26074 Electroless Nickel Coatings

Adherence to strict application guidelines is essential when implementing AMS-C-26074-compliant coatings. This ensures the coating’s performance and reliability and satisfies aerospace industry standards.


Surface Preparation

The surfaces to be coated must be thoroughly cleaned and free from contaminants that may impair the adhesion of the electroless nickel coating. This involves cleaning, rinsing, and, if necessary, etching processes. Following a carefully controlled pre-treatment regimen is crucial to establish a clean, active surface that promotes uniform coating adherence.


Bath Composition and Maintenance

The electroless nickel plating solution should be prepared and maintained according to the specifications outlined in AMS-C-26074. The bath composition is a complex blend of nickel salts, reducing agents, complexants, and stabilizers; precise control over its composition is vital to produce a consistent coating. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the bath’s pH, temperature, and chemical constituents is mandatory to maintain coating quality.


Plating Conditions

Controlling the plating conditions is key to achieving the desired properties of the electroless nickel coating. Specific parameters such as temperature, pH, and time must be maintained within the ranges specified by AMS-C-26074 to ensure the deposition of a coating with the required thickness, uniformity, and properties. Deviating from these parameters can lead to defects or inconsistencies in the coating.


Quality Assurance

Once the coating process is complete, quality assurance measures are imperative. The coating thickness must be verified using non-destructive methods to ensure compliance with the standard. Adhesion tests are performed to confirm that the coating is firmly attached to the substrate. The coating should also undergo hardness testing to meet the required specifications.


Documentation and Traceability

Maintaining detailed records of the plating process is essential. This documentation serves as evidence of compliance with AMS-C-26074 and assists in the traceability of the coating batch. It should include information regarding the bath composition, plating conditions, inspection results, and any corrective actions taken to address deviations from the standard.


Applications Of AMS-C-26074 Electroless Nickel Plating

The AMS-C-26074 standard refers to the electroless nickel plating process, which is extensively used in various industries due to its ability to provide uniform deposits with excellent wear and corrosion resistance.

This autocatalytic plating method is driven by a chemical reaction, guaranteeing consistent coverage, even on complex geometries. Below are several applications highlighting the versatility and importance of this specification.


Aerospace and Defense

In the aerospace and defense industry, the high precision and reliability required for components make AMS-C-26074 a critical specification. Electroless nickel plating is employed on landing gear, turbine blades, and engine components to ensure their longevity and resistance to harsh operating conditions. The uniform plating provides consistent protection against wear and corrosion, which is essential for aircraft safety and performance.



The electronics industry benefits from the AMS-C-26074 standard due to the superior conductivity and shielding properties of electroless nickel plating. Components like connectors, switches, and printed circuit boards (PCBs) often receive plating that enhances their electrical performance and provides a barrier against environmental factors.


Oil and Gas

The hostile environments of the oil and gas sector demand components with exceptional corrosion resistance. AMS-C-26074 plating is applied to valves, pumps, and pipe fittings to ensure they withstand exposure to corrosive substances and abrasive conditions, thereby reducing maintenance costs and failure rates.



High-performance automotive applications, especially motorsport ones, use AMS-C-26074 plated components for their durability under extreme conditions. Wear parts such as gears, shafts, and pistons are coated to reduce friction and enhance service life.


Chemical Processing

In chemical processing, equipment is continuously exposed to aggressive chemicals. According to AMS-C-26074 standards, plating protects equipment from corrosion and wear, which is vital to maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the processing plants.

These varied applications show that AMS-C-26074 electroless nickel plating is not limited to one industry. It is a versatile solution providing essential qualities for high performance and longevity in various applications.

With Valence Surface Technologies’ unique integrated service offering, companies across the aviation, defense, and space industries can take advantage of an unsurpassed level of expertise and quality in surface finishing.


 Chemical Processing


Additional Read:


Frequently Asked Questions 

How is the quality of AMS-C-26074 coatings tested?

The quality of AMS-C-26074 coatings is tested through various standardized methods to ensure they meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry. This includes testing for thickness, adhesion, hardness, and corrosion resistance. These properties are measured using specific equipment and procedures outlined in the AMS-C-26074 specification to guarantee optimal coating performance.


What are the inspection criteria for AMS-C-26074 coatings?

The inspection criteria for AMS-C-26074 coatings include visual inspection for surface defects such as pits, scratches, or inconsistencies in the coating. Additionally, the coating must be uniform in appearance and free from blisters, flaking, or evidence of poor adhesion. Thickness, hardness, and adhesion measurements must fall within the parameters stated in the AMS-C-26074 specification.


Why is adhesion important in AMS-C-26074 coatings?

Adhesion is critical for AMS-C-26074 coatings because it directly impacts the coating’s performance under stress and its ability to provide protection. Good adhesion ensures that the coating remains intact on the substrate, thereby offering consistent corrosion resistance and structural reliability throughout the part’s lifespan.

How does AMS-C-26074 compare with AMS 2404?

AMS-C-26074 and AMS 2404 cover electroless nickel plating, but AMS-C-26074 typically includes more robust quality and performance requirements. AMS-C-26074 focuses on coatings for severe service conditions that demand higher corrosion resistance and durability standards, while AMS 2404 serves general-purpose electroless nickel applications.


What are the advantages of AMS-C-26074 over traditional electroplating methods?

The advantages of AMS-C-26074 over traditional electroplating methods include a more uniform coating thickness across the part, improved corrosion resistance, and increased hardness. Moreover, the electroless process allows for the plating of parts with complex geometries and internal surfaces that may not be evenly covered by conventional electrodeposition methods.


What are the environmental considerations of AMS-C-26074 electroless nickel plating?

The environmental considerations of AMS-C-26074 electroless nickel plating involve managing the chemicals and waste associated with the electroless plating process. Companies must adhere to strict environmental regulations and practices to minimize the environmental impact, such as using less-toxic alternatives when possible, recycling the plating solutions, and properly disposing of waste products.


Where is AMS-C-26074 typically used in aerospace applications?

AMS-C-26074 is typically used in aerospace applications where high resistance to wear and corrosion is required. This includes critical components such as landing gear, turbine blades, and engine parts, where the reliability and longevity of the coating are paramount for safety and performance.


Can AMS-C-26074 coatings be used on electronic components?

Yes, AMS-C-26074 coatings can be used on electronic components. Electroless nickel plating provides a conductive and protective coating that is beneficial for shielding and improving the durability and performance of various electronic parts, such as connectors and sensors.


How long do AMS-C-26074 coatings last?

The lifespan of AMS-C-26074 coatings can vary depending on the application, environment, and specific service conditions. However, when applied correctly and maintained per specifications, these coatings are known for longevity and can protect surfaces for many years, even under harsh conditions.


What maintenance is required for AMS-C-26074 coated parts?

Maintenance for AMS-C-26074 coated parts typically involves regular inspections to detect any wear or damage and cleaning to remove contaminants that could affect coating performance. Following the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines ensures the coating provides optimal protection and prolongs the part’s life.

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