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by | Sep 2, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • QQ-C-320 is a federal specification governing chromium plating, detailing requirements for application, appearance, and performance characteristics.
  • Chromium plating is divided into two types: decorative for aesthetic purposes and hard for durability and wear resistance, which are critical in aerospace applications.
  • Adherence to QQ-C-320 involves rigorous process control and surface preparation to ensure optimal adhesion, corrosion resistance, and functional performance of treated components.


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QQ-C-320 is not just another acronym but a cornerstone specification in material engineering and surface treatments. Specifically, it outlines the stringent requirements for electrodeposited chromium coatings, commonly known as “chrome plating.” These coatings are not merely for aesthetic appeal, although the enhanced visual appeal is a bonus. Their primary purpose is to impart critical surface enhancements to various substrates, most commonly steel, aluminum, and magnesium alloys.

But why is QQ-C-320 so important? Consistency is key in industries where components are subjected to harsh environments, extreme wear and tear, or require a high level of precision. This specification provides a standardized roadmap for manufacturers engaged in chromium plating. By adhering to these well-defined parameters, manufacturers ensure that their coatings deliver on the promised properties:

  • Enhanced Hardness: Chrome plating dramatically increases surface hardness, making components significantly more resistant to scratching, abrasion, and wear.
  • Superior Corrosion Resistance: The chromium layer acts as a barrier, protecting the underlying substrate from corrosive elements and extending the component’s lifespan, especially in harsh environments.
  • Reduced Friction: Chromium plating’s naturally low coefficient of friction makes it ideal for applications where smooth movement and reduced wear are crucial.

QQ-C-320 delves into plating thickness, adhesion requirements, surface finish quality, and corrosion resistance testing methodologies. This attention to detail is critical for applications ranging from aerospace components and hydraulic systems to automotive parts and tooling equipment.

By understanding and adhering to QQ-C-320, manufacturers guarantee quality and performance, ensuring that chrome-plated components live up to their reputation for durability and reliability.


Common Applications Of QQ-C-320 Chromium Plating Across Industries

Here, we explore several key applications of QQ-C-320 chromium plating across different industries.


Aviation and Aerospace

The demands for components that can withstand extreme conditions without compromising performance are paramount in the aviation and aerospace sectors. QQ-C-320 chromium plating is applied to critical aircraft and spacecraft parts, including landing gear, turbine blades, and engine components. This plating provides a wear-resistant surface that significantly extends the lifespan of parts exposed to high-stress and corrosive environments.


 Aviation and Aerospace



Reliability under harsh conditions is non-negotiable for defense applications. Military vehicles, firearms, and defense machinery components are frequently treated with QQ-C-320 chromium plating to maintain functionality, even in the most challenging circumstances. The enhanced surface hardness and corrosion resistance contribute to the longevity and reliability required by defense specifications.



The automotive industry benefits immensely from the corrosion resistance and aesthetic enhancements provided by QQ-C-320 chromium plating. From engine parts to exterior trim and decorative elements, chromium plating helps extend the life of components while maintaining the vehicle’s visual appeal. High-wear parts such as piston rings, crankshafts, and gear components also receive chromium plating to withstand operational stresses and prolong their service life.


Oil and Gas

Durability and resistance to harsh chemicals are critical in the oil and gas industry, where equipment is regularly exposed to corrosive substances and extreme pressures. QQ-C-320 chromium plating is applied to drilling and extraction equipment, valves, and pipelines to protect against corrosion and wear, ensuring continuous operation and reducing the need for frequent replacements or repairs.


Manufacturing Equipment

In manufacturing, machinery and tools are constantly used, leading to wear and tear. Applying QQ-C-320 chromium plating to cutting tools, molds, and dies enhances their hardness and resistance to abrasion, significantly increasing their operational lifetime and efficiency. This results in higher productivity and reduces downtime and maintenance costs.


Types Of Chromium Plating Covered Under QQ-C-320

The QQ-C-320 standard delineates two primary types of chromium plating, each catering to specific functional requirements and applications:


Type I – Decorative Chromium Plating

Type I chromium plating, as defined by QQ-C-320, refers to chromium plating applied for decorative purposes. This type of plating is characterized by a bright, mirror-like finish that enhances the metal surface’s aesthetic appeal.

Type I plating is not just about looks; it provides a certain degree of corrosion resistance and increases the surface hardness, extending the product’s lifespan. It’s commonly used in components where appearance and a minimal level of durability are critical.


Type II – Hard Chromium Plating

Type II chromium plating under the QQ-C-320 specification is known for its exceptional hardness and durability. This plating type is significantly thicker than Type I and is engineered to withstand harsh environments and mechanical wear.

Hard chromium plating is sought after for its wear resistance, reduced friction, improved corrosion protection, and ability to retain the dimensional integrity of components. It is ideal for critical aerospace components that demand high performance under extreme conditions.


Exploring The Different Classes Of Plating Thickness In QQ-C-320

Understanding the distinct classes of plating thickness defined in QQ-C-320 is paramount for companies seeking top-of-the-line surface finishing solutions that meet rigorous industry standards.

QQ-C-320 classifies chromium plating thickness into several categories, each tailored to specific applications and performance requirements. Here is a concise exploration of these classes:

  • Class 1: This class specifies a minimum thickness of 0.0005 inches (0.0127 mm) for decorative chromium plating. It provides a bright, aesthetically pleasing finish with sufficient corrosion resistance for applications where appearance is as crucial as functionality.
  • Class 2a: For a thickness range of 0.001 inches (0.0254 mm), Class 2a is designed for moderate wear and tear applications. It offers enhanced protection against corrosion and is suitable for parts that demand a balance between aesthetic appeal and functional durability.
  • Class 2b: With a minimum thickness of 0.0001 inches (0.00254 mm), Class 2b is the go-to option for minimal coating applications where a thin layer is necessary to improve wear resistance and reduce friction without compromising the part’s dimensions or functionality.
  • Class 2c: This class is tailored for very thin coatings whose thickness does not exceed 0.025 mm. It is particularly beneficial for parts requiring a thin chromium layer to enhance corrosion resistance or for parts that cannot tolerate significant changes in dimensions.

Each class specified in QQ-C-320 serves a unique purpose, catering to diverse industry needs ranging from purely decorative finishes to functional coatings designed to withstand harsh operational environments.


Step-By-Step Guide To The Chromium Plating Process As Per QQ-C-320

The QQ-C-320 standard is a cornerstone in chromium plating, outlining a precise and meticulous process for achieving high-quality, durable, and aesthetically pleasing finishes. Let’s delve deeper into each stage of this standardized procedure:


Surface Preparation: The Foundation of Success

Before the chromium plating even begins, the substrate undergoes rigorous preparation. This crucial step ensures the surface is pristine and receptive to plating, directly impacting the final adhesion and appearance. Different methods, such as:

  • Degreasing: Removing oils, greases, and organic contaminants using specialized solvents or alkaline cleaners.
  • Etching: Utilizing acidic solutions to micro-etch the surface, creating microscopic irregularities that enhance mechanical bonding with the chromium layer.
  • Rinsing: Thoroughly rinse the substrate between each cleaning stage to prevent contamination and ensure the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.


Plating Bath Formulation: The Chemistry of Quality

The heart of the chromium plating process lies in the meticulously formulated electrolytic solution, strictly adhering to QQ-C-320 specifications. This bath, containing dissolved chromium salts, often chromic acid (CrO3), undergoes constant monitoring and adjustment.

Additives play a critical role in influencing the plating characteristics, including:

  • Brightness: Enhancing the reflective properties of the final finish.
  • Hardness: Increasing the deposit’s resistance to wear and tear.
  • Throwing power: Ensuring uniform plating even on complex geometries.


Electroplating: Where Science Meets Transformation

The electroplating process commences with the substrate meticulously prepared and the bath precisely formulated. The substrate, now acting as the cathode, is submerged in the bath alongside an anode, typically made of lead or a lead alloy.

A precisely controlled DC current flows through the solution, causing the chromium ions to migrate toward the cathode (substrate) and deposit themselves as a thin, uniform layer. The duration and intensity of the current directly influence the thickness and properties of the final chromium plating.


Deposit Thickness Control: Precision for Performance

Achieving the desired chromium deposit thickness is crucial, impacting both the plated part’s aesthetic appeal and functional properties. QQ-C-320 often dictates specific thickness ranges for different applications. Plating time and current density are meticulously controlled and adjusted to ensure compliance.


Post-Treatment: Final Touches for Perfection

Depending on the specific requirements outlined in QQ-C-320 and the intended application, the plated part might undergo further post-treatment procedures, such as rinsing, drying, and even baking. These steps enhance the finish, remove residual chemicals, and further solidify the bond between the chromium layer and the substrate.

The QQ-C-320 standard provides a comprehensive framework for achieving exceptional chromium plating results. By meticulously following its guidelines, manufacturers can ensure the production of high-quality, durable, and aesthetically pleasing finishes that meet the demands of various industries and applications.


Quality Control Measures And Testing Requirements In QQ-C-320

The quality control process begins well before the plating process itself. QQ-C-320 mandates strict control over the plating bath composition, requiring regular analysis and maintenance to ensure consistent plating results. Additionally, the specification outlines meticulous surface preparation procedures for the substrate material, encompassing cleaning, etching, and pre-treatment steps that are crucial for achieving optimal adhesion and a uniform plating finish.

Once the plating process is complete, rigorous tests verify the coating’s compliance with QQ-C-320. These include:

  • Thickness Measurement: It is paramount to precisely measure the thickness of the chrome plating. This is typically achieved using specialized techniques like microscopic examination of cross-sections or non-destructive methods like magnetic thickness gauges. These measurements verify that the plating thickness falls within the specific ranges the application dictates and ensure uniformity across the component’s surface.
  • Adhesion Testing: A critical aspect of the quality control process involves evaluating the bond strength between the chrome plating and the substrate material. QQ-C-320 often references adhesion tests like the “chipping test,” where a standardized tool attempts to chip or peel the plating. The results provide insight into the coating’s ability to withstand mechanical stresses and environmental factors without delamination, ensuring its longevity in demanding operational conditions.
  • Corrosion Resistance Tests: Given the harsh environments encountered in aerospace applications, corrosion resistance is paramount. QQ-C-320 mandates specific corrosion tests, often exposing the plated parts to controlled corrosive environments like salt spray chambers. The coating’s performance during these tests is evaluated to determine its suitability for use in corrosive environments and its ability to provide long-term protection to the underlying substrate.
  • Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief: Hydrogen embrittlement, a phenomenon that can significantly reduce the ductility and strength of high-strength steels, is a major concern in chrome plating. To mitigate this, QQ-C-320 includes specific post-plating baking procedures. This process effectively drives out trapped hydrogen from the plated component, preserving its mechanical properties and preventing premature failure.

These comprehensive quality control measures and other specialized tests outlined in QQ-C-320 ensure that components plated under this specification exhibit the required durability, corrosion resistance, and mechanical integrity for critical aerospace applications. By adhering to these stringent standards, manufacturers can guarantee the reliability and longevity of components operating under demanding conditions.


Staying Compliant With QQ-C-320: Best Practices For Manufacturers

For manufacturers within the aviation, defense, and space industries, maintaining compliance with QQ-C-320 is essential for ensuring components’ durability, corrosion resistance, and performance. Here, we outline key best practices manufacturers should implement to comply with QQ-C-320.


Understanding the Specification

Before diving into compliance strategies, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the QQ-C-320 standard. This specification outlines the requirements for the quality of chromium plating, including thickness, appearance, and adhesion. Familiarity with the details of the standard ensures that your manufacturing processes are aligned from the outset.


Establishing Rigorous Quality Control Systems

Implementing a rigorous quality control system is paramount to achieving and maintaining compliance. This means setting up standardized procedures for every step of the chromium plating process, from material preparation to the final inspection. Incorporating regular audits and checks throughout the process helps identify any deviations from the QQ-C-320 standard early, allowing for timely corrections.


Investing in Training

Another critical component of compliance is ensuring that your team is well-versed in the requirements of QQ-C-320. Offering regular training sessions for new employees and refresher courses for existing staff ensures that everyone involved understands the standards they must meet. This also fosters a culture of quality and continuous improvement.


Partnering with Qualified Suppliers

The quality of the raw materials used in the chromium plating process can significantly affect the ability to comply with QQ-C-320. It is essential to work with suppliers who understand the aerospace industry’s stringent requirements and who can consistently provide materials that meet these standards. Establishing strong partnerships with such suppliers helps ensure a reliable supply chain that supports compliance.


Leveraging Technology

Advancements in technology offer manufacturers new tools for ensuring compliance with QQ-C-320. From automated process controls that ensure consistent plating thickness to sophisticated inspection tools that detect discrepancies in real time, technology can be a powerful ally in meeting the standard’s requirements.


Continuous Improvement

Compliance with QQ-C-320 is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing commitment. Embracing a philosophy of continuous improvement, where feedback and performance data are used to refine processes, can help manufacturers meet and exceed the standards set by QQ-C-320. Regularly reviewing processes, materials, and technologies enables a proactive approach to compliance.

At Valence Surface Technologies, our mission to be the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing means we understand the importance of meeting and exceeding industry standards like QQ-C-320. Our integrated solution approach ensures that every aspect of surface finishing, from material selection to final inspection, is designed to achieve compliance and deliver the highest quality outcomes for our clients.


Partnering with Qualified Suppliers


Additional Read:


Frequently Asked Questions 

What materials can be plated according to QQ-C-320?

QQ-C-320 specifically applies to the chromate plating of steel, copper, and copper-based alloys. This standard outlines the requirements for both decorative and protective chrome plating, ensuring that materials meet the necessary durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic standards required in the aerospace, defense, and space industries.


What are the thickness requirements of QQ-C-320?

The thickness requirements under QQ-C-320 can vary depending on the type of plating and its intended purpose. Generally, the standard specifies minimum thickness levels for decorative and functional chrome plating. For example, protective plating typically requires a thicker layer than decorative. These specifications ensure that components meet operational durability and performance standards.


How does QQ-C-320 differentiate between types of plating?

QQ-C-320 classifies chrome plating into two main categories: Type I (non-decorative) and Type II (decorative). Type I plating is used primarily for its corrosion resistance and wear properties, while Type II is used for its aesthetic appeal, providing a bright, polished finish. Each type has specific requirements for thickness, appearance, and application methods to ensure they meet industry standards and performance expectations.


How often is the QQ-C-320 standard updated?

Like many industry standards, the QQ-C-320 standard is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date with technological advancements, industry needs, and safety regulations. Updates or revisions to the standard are made as necessary, which could be every few years. To ensure compliance, stakeholders in the aerospace, defense, and space industries should refer to the most current version of the standard.


How does QQ-C-320 compare to other plating standards?

QQ-C-320 is specifically designed for chrome plating on certain materials and is widely recognized in industries where high performance and precision are critical. It may have stricter or more specific criteria compared to other general plating standards to meet the unique needs of the aerospace, defense, and space sectors. Comparatively, other standards might have a broader application scope but not cater to the specific requirements or performance metrics outlined in QQ-C-320.


Can QQ-C-320 be applied to non-metal substrates?

Generally, QQ-C-320 is intended for metal substrates, particularly steel, copper, and copper-based alloys. The standard’s specifications and processes are designed around these metals’ chemical and physical properties. Applying the same standards to non-metal substrates would require different preparation and plating techniques and possibly different outcome expectations, which are not covered under QQ-C-320. Therefore, it is not typically used for non-metal substrates.

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