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What Causes Oxidation And How Can It Be Prevented?

by | May 31, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Oxidation and Its Effects: Oxidation is a chemical process where materials, particularly metals, lose electrons, often leading to corrosion and structural degradation. Recognizing its impact on materials can help preventive measures be taken.
  • Identifying Signs of Oxidation: Key indicators of oxidation include discoloration (e.g., rust on iron), corrosion, reduced electrical conductivity, powdery deposits, increased friction, and brittleness. Early detection can prevent further damage.
  • Environmental Factors and Prevention: Oxygen exposure, humidity, temperature variations, salinity, pollution, and UV radiation accelerate oxidation. Physical barriers, chemical inhibitors, and environmental control strategies can prevent oxidation.


Oxidation, a fundamental chemical process, plays a critical role in numerous industrial applications and poses significant challenges across various sectors. At its core, oxidation involves the transfer of electrons from a substance to an oxidizing agent, often forming oxides and other compounds. While natural and inevitable, this process can lead to the degradation of materials, affecting their structural integrity, appearance, and functionality.

This article explores the intricacies of oxidation, examining the chemical principles that drive it and the environmental factors that exacerbate it. We will explore the various oxidation causes, from exposure to oxygen and moisture to the influence of temperature and pollutants. Moreover, we will provide a comprehensive overview of advanced prevention strategies, including material selection, protective coatings, and innovative technologies designed to mitigate oxidative effects.


What Is Oxidation?

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that involves the transfer of electrons between substances. It occurs when an atom, molecule, or ion loses one or more electrons, often to an oxidizing agent. In materials science and metallurgy, oxidation usually refers to the reaction of oxygen with substances, particularly metals. This can result in the formation of oxides and other corrosion products on the surface, which can be detrimental to the structural integrity and appearance of the material.

In the most common form of oxidation, oxygen in air or water reacts with the metal, leading to the well-known red rust on iron or steel and tarnishing on silver. Oxidation does not only affect metals; it also causes the degradation of plastics, rubber, and other materials. This is evident in the discoloration and weakening of these materials over time.

This reaction is not always undesirable. In some cases, a controlled oxidation process is used to create a protective layer on the surface of a metal to prevent further corrosion. Aluminum is a prime example, as it naturally forms a thin, protective oxide layer when exposed to oxygen, giving it excellent corrosion resistance.

Valence Surface Technologies understands the stakes involved in combating oxidation and as the world’s largest independent aerospace product finishing company, we offer an unrivaled integrated solution tailored specifically for these high-stakes arenas. 

With our mission to be the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing, Valence is committed to safeguarding our clients’ materials against the detrimental effects of oxidation. Request a quote or speak to an expert to get started. 


What Are The Signs Of Oxidation

Oxification is a natural chemical process that can compromise the integrity and aesthetics of materials, particularly metals. Identifying the signs of oxidation is crucial for aerospace, defense, and space industries, where maintaining structural integrity is vital. Here are several signs that indicate the presence of oxidation:

  • Discoloration: One of the most visible signs of oxidation in metals is a change in color. For instance, iron oxidizes to form rust, which gives it a distinctive reddish-brown appearance. Copper, on the other hand, develops a green patina over time.
  • Corrosion: Oxidation can lead to corrosion, often as pitting, etching, or general surface degradation on the material. Corrosion can weaken the structural integrity of components, making them less reliable and potentially unsafe.
  • Loss of Electrical Conductivity: Oxidation may decrease electrical conductivity in electrical components. Metals like copper and aluminum, generally used for their conductive properties, can become less effective when oxidized.
  • Powdery Surface Deposits: Oxidation can also manifest as powdery surface deposits. Aluminum, for instance, might exhibit white, powdery spots where the oxidized layer has started to shed.
  • Increased Friction: Moving parts that have undergone oxidation may exhibit increased friction. This is particularly significant in aerospace applications where precision and the smooth operation of moving components are essential.
  • Brittleness: Oxidized materials can become brittle over time, compromising their durability and lifespan. This brittleness can lead to cracking or breakage under stress.

Recognizing these signs early can help in taking preventive measures to protect materials from further oxidation and potential damage. 


Environmental Factors Contributing To Oxidation

Environmental factors significantly contribute to the occurrence of oxidation, affecting materials in different ways. Understanding these elements is essential to applying effective prevention techniques tailored to specific conditions.


Oxygen Exposure

The most prevalent factor causing oxidation is the element’s namesake: oxygen. Virtually all oxidation processes require oxygen, either from the atmosphere or dissolved in water. The rate of oxidation will generally increase as the exposure to oxygen increases. In aerospace applications, components are often subjected to extreme variations in oxygen exposure and must be finished with precision and care to prevent degradation.


Humidity and Moisture

The presence of water, particularly humidity or direct contact with moisture, considerably accelerates oxidative reactions. Aerospace components may experience high humidity levels and, without proper finishing, can be prone to rapid oxidation. Our processes at Valence Surface Technologies consider these conditions to ensure the longevity and durability of aerospace surfaces.


Temperature Variations

High temperatures can also significantly increase the rate of oxidation. Elevated temperatures enhance the energy of the atoms or molecules involved, which can drive faster reactions. Within aerospace and defense applications, the ability to withstand drastic temperature changes without oxidizing is crucial, and Valence’s surface technologies ensure that components can endure these harsh conditions.



Salts in environments with high salinity, such as maritime or coastal regions, can lead to a specific form of oxidation known as corrosion. The salt speeds up the electrochemical reactions leading to oxidation, making this a particularly harsh challenge for aerospace hardware operating near or over the ocean.





Pollutants in the air, such as sulfides and chlorides, can also have a corrosive effect, leading to oxidation. Industries operating near areas with high levels of industrial pollution need to be aware of the oxidative risks posed by these compounds. At Valence, we factor in environmental pollutants when designing our integrated surface finishing solutions, ensuring that components can withstand even the most challenging environments.


UV Radiation

Exposure to sun ultraviolet (UV) radiation can contribute to oxidation, particularly in materials that are sensitive to light. UV radiation can break down the chemical bonds on a material’s surface, leading to oxidation.

In summary, environmental factors play a critical role in oxidation. Addressing these factors is at the core of Valence Surface Technologies’ comprehensive approach to surface finishing, ensuring that we remain the most trusted partner in aerospace oxidation prevention and surface finish longevity.


Preventing Oxidation With Physical Barriers

One effective methodology for preventing oxidation, particularly in the context of aerospace surface finishing, is the implementation of physical barriers that separate the reactive material from oxidative elements such as oxygen, water, and salts. These substances are among the primary culprits that cause oxidation. With the strategic placement of physical barriers, their interaction with vulnerable surfaces can be significantly minimized, if not entirely eliminated.


Coatings and Paints

  • Protective Paints: Applying paint creates a protective layer that prevents oxygen and moisture from reaching the metal surface.
  • Powder Coating: This involves applying a dry powder cured under heat, forming a hard, protective layer.
  • Specialty Coatings: Use coatings specifically designed to prevent rust and corrosion, such as zinc-rich paints or epoxy coatings.



  • Electroplating: Coating the metal with a thin layer of another metal (e.g., gold, silver, chromium) through an electrochemical process to protect against oxidation.
  • Galvanization: Applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron to prevent rusting.



  • Anodizing Aluminum: This electrochemical process thickens the natural oxide layer on aluminum, enhancing its resistance to oxidation and wear.


Sealants and Varnishes

  • Clear Sealants: Applying a clear sealant or varnish to metal surfaces provides a protective barrier without altering their appearance.
  • Marine Varnishes: These are specially formulated in harsh, saltwater environments to protect against oxidation.


Corrosion-Resistant Materials

  • Stainless Steel: Use materials like stainless steel, which contains chromium and other elements that naturally form a protective oxide layer.
  • Alloys: Select alloys designed to resist oxidation and corrosion in specific environments.


Chemical Inhibitors: How To Prevent Oxidation

Preventing oxidation is a critical concern in aerospace surface finishing, where the integrity and longevity of components are paramount. Chemical inhibitors play a central role in the quest to mitigate the deleterious effects of oxidation. These substances are specifically formulated to interrupt the oxidation process at a molecular level, providing a formidable defense against corrosion.


Mechanism of Chemical Inhibitors

Chemical inhibitors function by interfering with the oxidation process through various mechanisms:

Formation of Protective Layers:

  • Inhibitors can form a protective film or layer on the metal surface, acting as a barrier that prevents oxygen and moisture from reaching the metal.
  • This barrier inhibits the electrochemical reactions that lead to oxidation and corrosion.

Adsorption on Metal Surface:

  • Many inhibitors adsorb onto the metal surface, altering its chemistry and making it less reactive to oxygen and other corrosive agents.
  • This adsorption process can alter the surface properties of the metal, making it more resistant to oxidation.


  • Some inhibitors promote the formation of a stable oxide layer on the metal surface, known as passivation.
  • This passive oxide layer is a protective shield, preventing further oxidation and corrosion.

Types of Chemical Inhibitors

Organic Inhibitors:

  • Amines: Compounds like ethanolamine or cyclohexylamine that form protective films on metal surfaces.
  • Phosphonates: Used in water treatment to inhibit corrosion in pipes and equipment.
  • Organic Acids: Compounds like benzotriazole are used in metal cleaning and preservation.

Inorganic Inhibitors:

  • Chromates: Chromium-based compounds that form a protective chromate layer on metals like aluminum and zinc.
  • Phosphates: Used in water treatment to inhibit scale formation and corrosion in metal pipes.
  • Silicates: Used in cooling water systems to prevent corrosion in metal surfaces.

Mixed Inhibitors:

  • Combination Inhibitors: Formulations that combine organic and inorganic inhibitors to provide enhanced corrosion protection.
  • Synergistic Effects: These inhibitors may work synergistically to improve effectiveness against specific types of corrosion.


Application Methods

Inhibitor Additives:

  • Incorporate inhibitors into paints, coatings, and primers used on metal surfaces to provide long-term protection.
  • These additives enhance the durability and corrosion resistance of protective coatings.

Water Treatment:

  • Use inhibitors in industrial water treatment processes to prevent corrosion in metal pipes, boilers, and cooling systems.
  • Inhibitors help maintain water quality and extend the lifespan of metal equipment.

Surface Treatments:

  • To create a protective barrier, apply inhibitors directly to metal surfaces through spraying, immersion, or brushing.
  • Proper surface preparation ensures optimal adhesion and effectiveness of the inhibitor.


Environmental Control Strategies To Prevent Oxidation

Environmental control strategies are another effective way to prevent oxidation. We can significantly reduce the oxidation rate by manipulating the environment surrounding the susceptible material. Here’s a closer look at how it works:


Minimizing Oxidation Through Environmental Control

Oxidation thrives under specific environmental conditions. By controlling these conditions, we can create a less favorable environment for the process. Here are key strategies:

Oxygen Reduction:

  • Inert Gas Purging: Replacing air with an inert gas like nitrogen in storage containers displaces oxygen, significantly reducing the risk of oxidation. This approach is commonly used in food packaging and electronics storage.
  • Vacuum Packaging: Vacuum sealing removes air from a container, creating a near-oxygen-free environment ideal for storing oxygen-sensitive materials.

Moisture Control:

  • Desiccants: Desiccants are moisture-absorbing materials that can be placed in storage containers to maintain low humidity levels. This helps prevent moisture-mediated oxidation. Silica gel packets are a common example of desiccants.
  • Dehumidification: Controlling the overall humidity within a storage space using dehumidifiers can be a broader approach to moisture control.

Temperature Management:

  • Lower Temperatures: Generally, oxidation rates increase with temperature. Storing or processing materials in cooler environments can significantly slow the oxidation process. Refrigeration is a common example of this strategy.


Advanced Methods To Prevent Oxidation

When considering the prevention of oxidation, particularly for applications in the aerospace, defense, and space industries where reliability and performance are paramount, advanced methods must be employed. The systems at risk from oxidative damage are often complex, and the protective solutions must not compromise the component’s integrity or performance. 



Anodizing is an electrochemical process that converts a metal surface into a decorative, durable, corrosion-resistant, anodic oxide finish. Aluminum is ideally suited to anodizing, although other nonferrous metals can be treated this way. The anodic oxide structure originates from the aluminum substrate and is composed entirely of aluminum oxide. This layer is integrated with the underlying aluminum for improved durability and resistance to corrosion and wear, which is essential for the longevity of aerospace components.


Chemical Film Coatings

Chemical film coatings, or chem-film, are used as primers to improve the adhesion of paints and sealants and provide corrosion protection on their own. Also known as alodine or iridite coating, this method protects high-stress components against oxidative damage while being non-conductive and maintaining electrical conductivity in specified areas, which is crucial for aerospace electrical components.


Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO)

PEO is a technologically advanced process designed to generate a robust ceramic oxide coating on metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and titanium. This high-density, hard ceramic coating protects components against wear, corrosion, heat, and electrical insulation, offering a comprehensive protective solution for parts subjected to extreme operational environments.


Vacuum Impregnation

Vacuum impregnation is a technique used to protect porous materials or components with micro-porosity by filling these voids with sealants to prevent the ingress of moisture, gases, and other substances that could initiate oxidative processes. This process is especially useful in enhancing the integrity and reliability of critical components by preventing oxidation from even beginning.


High-Performance Coatings

High-performance coatings such as Parylene provide ultrathin, uniform, and pinhole-free barriers that resist oxidative elements. These coatings are exceptionally useful in guarding sensitive electronic aerospace components against the harsh conditions encountered during operation.

Each method can extend component life, reduce the need for frequent maintenance, and ensure the reliability of aerospace parts exposed to oxidative environments.

Partnering with Valence Surface Technologies means investing in state-of-the-art surface protection processes that stand at the forefront of innovation, ensuring that the components meet strict industry standards of safety and quality while addressing the specific challenges posed by what causes oxidation.


 High-Performance Coatings


Final Thoughts

Understanding what causes oxidation is essential for industries that demand the highest standards in durability and performance, particularly in the aviation, defense, and space sectors. Oxidation occurs when materials, especially metals, react with oxygen in the environment, leading to degradation and weakening of material properties. Moisture, salt, high temperatures, and pollutants can expedite this process. Prevention requires a multifaceted approach that includes choosing the right materials, employing protective coatings, controlling environmental conditions, and utilizing corrosion inhibitors.

At Valence Surface Technologies, we recognize the critical need to protect vital components against the deleterious effects of oxidation. Embracing our mission to be the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing, we offer integrated solutions tailored to combat oxidation, ensuring the longevity and safety of aerospace components.

By utilizing our advanced surface finishing techniques and leveraging our expertise, companies looking for top-line protection can maintain the integrity and reliability of their products in even the most challenging environments. With Valence as your partner, you safeguard your components against oxidation, aligning with our value proposition of providing a complete, integrated solution for aerospace surface finishing.


Additional Read:


Frequently Asked Questions

What are corrosion inhibitors?

Corrosion inhibitors are chemicals that slow down the oxidation process by forming protective films on the surface of metals.


How Does Oxidation Relate to Everyday Life?

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can affect various materials and processes in everyday life. From rust forming on metals and the browning of cut fruits to the spoilage of food and the aging of the skin, oxidation is a process occurring regularly that can lead to the degradation and deterioration of substances.


Can plastics oxidize?

Yes, plastics can oxidize, leading to degradation, discoloration, and loss of mechanical properties.


Can Oxidation Occur Without Oxygen?

Yes, oxidation can occur without oxygen. While oxygen is a common oxidizing agent, other substances, such as chlorine or sulfur, can also act as oxidizers. Oxidation simply refers to the loss of electrons during a reaction, whether oxygen is present or not.


What Materials Are Most Prone to Oxidation?

Metals most prone to oxidation include iron, copper, and aluminum. This susceptibility results in various forms of corrosion and can significantly affect the durability and integrity of these materials over time.


How Does Salt Accelerate Oxidation?

Salt accelerates oxidation by increasing water’s conductivity, which facilitates electron transfer during the oxidation process. This is particularly noticeable in metal corrosion, where the presence of saltwater enhances the rate at which the metal deteriorates.


How can oxidation be prevented in electronics?

Protective coatings, storage in controlled environments, and corrosion-resistant materials can prevent oxidation in electronics.

How Do Coatings Prevent Oxidation?

Coatings prevent oxidation by forming a barrier between the material and the environment. They shield the underlying material from moisture, oxygen, and other oxidizing agents, thus decreasing the oxidation rate. Advanced coatings developed by aerospace surface finishing companies like Valence are specially designed to withstand extreme conditions and protect critical components.


Can Oxidation Be Reversed?

Oxidation is not typically a reversible process; however, removing or converting the oxidized layer can restore the appearance and function of the underlying material. In the case of metal, techniques such as polishing, grinding, or applying a protective coating can address oxidation effects.


What Is the Difference Between Oxidation and Reduction?

Oxidation and reduction are two halves of a type of chemical reaction known as a redox reaction. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons from a substance, whereas reduction involves the gain of electrons. In a redox reaction, one species is oxidized, and the other is reduced simultaneously.

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