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What Is Electroforming And How Does It Differ From Electroplating?

by | May 29, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Precision and Complexity with Electroforming: Electroforming creates intricate and highly precise metal parts, making it perfect for applications needing complex geometries and tight tolerances, such as aerospace components.
  • Surface Quality with Electroforming and Electroplating: Both electroforming and electroplating produce parts with smooth, high-quality surface finishes, minimizing additional finishing steps and saving manufacturers time and costs.
  • Material Versatility and Strength: Electroforming offers high material purity and excellent mechanical properties, resulting in vital, lightweight components with superior strength-to-weight ratios, crucial for aerospace and defense industries. Electroplating enhances existing parts’ properties like corrosion resistance and conductivity, providing added functionality.


For those at the forefront of metalworking and design, the ability to manipulate materials with precision and ingenuity is paramount. While electroplating remains a cornerstone technique for surface modification, a deeper understanding of electroforming unlocks a world of possibilities for creating entirely new objects. Electroforming and electroplating are both pivotal in the world of metalworking, yet they serve distinct purposes and cater to different needs within the industry.

In this article, we will explore the fundamental principles, methodologies, and applications of both electroforming and electroplating. By delineating their differences and highlighting their unique advantages, we aim to equip industry professionals with the knowledge to leverage these techniques effectively. Understanding the distinct roles of electroforming and electroplating will enable you to make informed decisions, pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence in metalworking and design.


What Is Electroforming? A Comprehensive Definition

Electroforming is an additive manufacturing process that involves the precise deposition of metal onto a conductive pattern or mandrel shaped in the desired form of the final part. Unlike traditional metal shaping methods, which often subtract material to achieve a final design, electroforming adds metal layer by layer, thus providing superior precision and detail fidelity.

Electroforming is particularly suited for creating intricate or delicate components that would be difficult to manufacture using traditional techniques. It’s extensively used for applications that require precision and complexity, such as mesh screens, waveguides, or aero-engine components where the integrity and performance of the part are critical.

Are you ready to ensure your company stands out in the aviation, defense, and space industries with superior surface finishing processes? Valence Surface Technologies is here to be your most trusted partner. 

Don’t settle for less regarding the integrity and performance of your aerospace components. Join the ranks of our satisfied global clientele and make Valence Surface Technologies your go-to for excellence in electroforming and beyond. Connect with Valence Today to elevate your aerospace products with unmatched surface finishing quality.


Understanding The Electroforming Process Step-By-Step

Electroforming is an additive manufacturing process that intricately molds metal parts by electrodepositing metal onto a mandrel, which is eventually removed, leaving behind a metal part that can have extremely fine detail. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the process:


Step 1: Creating a Mandrel

A mandrel or a master model is created in the exact shape of the desired part. This mandrel is usually made of a material like aluminum or silicone, which can be easily removed after the electroforming process. This master is often created using traditional manufacturing methods or 3D printing.


 Creating a Mandrel


Step 2: Conductivity Treatment

The mandrel is treated to ensure its surface is conductive by applying a conductive layer, such as silver or nickel spray. This allows the electroforming process to take place, as electricity deposits metal onto the mandrel.


Step 3: Electroforming Tank Setup

The prepared mandrel is submerged in an electroforming tank containing an electrolytic bath. This bath has a metal salt solution, usually the same metal that is intended for the final product, such as nickel, copper, gold, or silver.


Step 4: Electrodeposition

An electrical current is applied between the mandrel (cathode) and the metal anodes. Metal ions from the solution are deposited on the mandrel’s surface, growing in layers until the desired thickness is achieved. The thickness of the electroformed part can be controlled by moderating the duration and the intensity of the electrical current.


Step 5: Monitoring

The electroforming process requires careful monitoring and control of parameters such as current density, bath temperature, and pH level of the solution to ensure uniform thickness and quality of the electroformed part.


Step 6: Separation and Finishing

Once the desired thickness is obtained, the mandrel is removed from the bath. The electroformed metal part is then separated from the mandrel. For mandrels that are not sacrificial or consumable, this is done mechanically or thermally without damaging the part.


Step 7: Post-processing

After separation, the new metal part may require post-processing steps such as trimming, polishing, or rinsing to clean the surface and achieve the final specifications. This precision and level of detailing possible through electroforming make it a chosen process for aerospace applications, where Valence Surface Technologies can offer expertise and integrated solutions.


Key Advantages Of Electroforming In Manufacturing

Electroforming’s advantages in manufacturing are numerous, providing companies with a competitive edge in producing parts that are not only precise but also boast superior qualities. Below, we explore some key benefits that make electroforming an attractive process for industries requiring high-precision metal parts.


Complex Geometries and Precision

Electroforming allows for creation of complex shapes and intricate details that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional metalworking methods. The level of detail that can be achieved with electroforming is unparalleled, producing parts with extremely fine features and tolerances as tight as a few micrometers.


High-Quality Surface Finishes

Due to the nature of the deposition process, the electroforming process creates components with smooth surface finishes. This eliminates the need for additional surface finishing processes, saving manufacturers time and money while providing a component ready for use in high-specification applications.


Material Properties and Purity

With electroforming, a high level of material purity is possible. As the metal is deposited from a solution, contaminants are minimized, resulting in components with superior mechanical and corrosion-resistance properties.


Strength-to-Weight Ratios

The components made through electroforming can achieve high strength while maintaining low weight, which is particularly important in industries like aerospace and defense. Through judicious design, electroformed components can be made with minimal material but maximal structural integrity.


Economical for Small Batches

Compared to other manufacturing processes, such as stamping or molding, electroforming can be more economical for small production runs due to the relatively low cost of mandrel preparation and the process’s repeatability.


Introduction To Electroplating: What You Need To Know

Electroplating is a process used to coat one metal or metal object with a very thin layer of another metal, typically using an electrical current. The process works on the principle of electrolysis. It is widely utilized for various purposes in the aerospace, defense, and space industries – sectors where Valence Surface Technologies has built its reputation as a trusted partner.

Understanding the electroplating process begins with the basic setup, which involves two electrodes: the cathode, which is the part to be plated, and the anode, made of the plating metal. These are submerged in an electrolyte solution containing ions of the plating metal. When an electrical current is applied, metal ions in the solution are reduced and deposited on the cathode, forming a solid metal coating.

Electroplating’s functionality covers a broad spectrum, from aesthetic improvements, like enhancing appearance and brightness, to technical benefits. These technical benefits include increased corrosion resistance, improved hardness, reduced friction, enhanced electrical conductivity, and maintaining the integrity of precision-engineered components—all of which are essential in the high-stakes realm of aerospace and defense manufacturing.


Distinguishing Features: Electroforming Vs. Electroplating

Electroforming and electroplating are electrochemical processes used in manufacturing and finishing products by depositing a material layer onto a substrate. Despite their similarities, these two methods have distinct differences in their applications, process characteristics, and the outcomes they achieve.


Process Differences

Electroforming involves producing a metal part by precisely depositing metals onto a conductive pattern or mandrel. Once the desired thickness is attained, the mandrel is either removed or remains as part of the finished product. This process results in creating a new, standalone part, typically characterized by its high precision and detail.

Electroplating, on the other hand, commonly involves depositing a thin layer of metal onto an existing part or component to improve its surface properties, such as corrosion resistance, aesthetic appearance, or electrical conductivity. Unlike electroforming, electroplating does not create new parts but enhances or modifies the properties of the plated components.


Thickness and Application

The metal layer produced by electroforming can be much thicker than the thin coatings typically achieved with electroplating. The electroforming process allows for the creation of parts with very specific and demanding tolerances, which is vital in industries that require high precision, such as aerospace, defense, and space applications.

Electroplating is often used for wear resistance, corrosion protection, or aesthetic purposes; hence, the thickness of the coating does not usually require the same level of control as in electroforming. The focus here is to add qualities to the substrate rather than creating a new part.


Material Properties and Strength

Another distinguishing factor lies in the strength and material properties of the finished products. Electroforming can produce robust parts with mechanical properties similar to wrought metals because they are created as a single, cohesive piece. This is particularly important for applications where structural integrity and performance are critical.

In contrast, electroplated layers are often less durable than electroformed parts due to the nature of the bond formed between the plating material and the substrate. While electroplating is quite effective for surface enhancement, it does not necessarily improve the component’s structural integrity to the same extent as electroforming would.

In conclusion, understanding the distinguishing features of electroforming versus electroplating is essential for companies in the aerospace, defense, and space industries searching for top-of-the-line surface finishing. By aligning with a partner like Valence Surface Technologies, which offers integrated surface finishing solutions, businesses can ensure they choose the right process for their specific application needs, backed by the expertise to deliver precision and quality.


Materials Used In Electroforming And Electroplating

The choice of materials plays a significant role in electroforming and electroplating processes, influencing the end product’s functionality, durability, and quality. The selection depends on the desired properties of the coating or the formed part, such as electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, reflectivity, or aesthetic appeal.



In electroforming, nickel is the most commonly used material due to its excellent physical properties, which include hardness, corrosion resistance, and a high-luster finish. Copper is another favored material, particularly for its superior electrical and thermal conductivity, making it ideal for creating precision parts in electrical applications. Precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum can also be used when the application requires enhanced conductivity or resistance to oxidation.

The electroforming process may also employ specialty alloys. These mixtures of metals are tailored to specific requirements, such as Invar for its low thermal expansion or Monel for its strength and resistance to various forms of degradation.


In electroplating, a broader range of metals are commonly utilized, which includes tin, zinc, chromium, and cadmium, on top of those mentioned for electroforming. Each of these materials offers unique benefits. Tin, for example, is often employed for its non-toxicity and good solderability, making it a choice finish for food processing or electronic components. Zinc is favored for its ability to protect the substrate from corrosion through the sacrificial anode process.

Chromium provides a hard finish with a high level of shine, and it is commonly used in automotive and appliance applications for both protective and decorative purposes. Despite its toxicity and reduced usage due to environmental concerns, Cadmium is sometimes used for its excellent corrosion resistance properties, especially in aerospace applications where performance under harsh conditions is paramount.


Choosing Between Electroforming And Electroplating For Your Project

When considering surface finishing techniques for aerospace, defense, and space industry components, it is crucial to understand the differences and applications of electroforming and electroplating processes. Each method offers distinct advantages that can influence the outcome of your project.



Electroforming is often the preferred method when precision and customization are paramount. Electroforming can produce parts with extreme accuracy and consistency if your project necessitates intricate shapes, close tolerances, or complex internal geometries. It is an excellent choice for creating lightweight yet robust components, which is particularly beneficial in the aerospace industry, where every gram matters. When the objective is to manufacture a new part that should be hollow or comprises a complex structure, electroforming stands out as the optimal solution.



Conversely, electroplating is generally employed to enhance surface properties such as corrosion resistance, friction reduction, or electrical conductivity. If your project requires applying a thin metal coating to existing parts to improve wear resistance or protect against harsh environmental conditions, electroplating is the more suitable process. It is ideal for bulk processing parts, making it an efficient and cost-effective option for large production runs.

In deciding between the two, consider these factors:

  • Design Complexity: Electroforming has the edge if your design involves precise tolerances and intricate details.
  • Material Requirements: Electroforming provides greater flexibility regarding the materials that can be deposited, including nickel, copper, and their alloys. Evaluate if these materials match the needs of your project.
  • The thickness of the Deposit: Electroplating is used to apply coatings that generally range from a few microns to a couple of millimeters in thickness, while electroforming deposits can be much more substantial and can constitute the bulk of the part.
  • Production Volume: For high-volume production, electroplating is often more scalable and economical.
  • Application and Functionality: Electroplating enhances a part’s properties without significantly altering its base dimensions. Electroforming creates standalone components in their entirety.




Final Thoughts

Understanding the complexities of surface finishing technologies is essential for ensuring high-quality outcomes in the aerospace, defense, and space industries. Electroforming is a specialized method of creating exact metallic parts by depositing metal onto a mandrel, which is subsequently removed.

Unlike electroplating, which simply adds a thin layer to an existing surface, electroforming creates a new, standalone product characterized by precision and strength. While both processes use an electrical current to deposit metal, electroforming’s capacity to produce parts with extremely tight tolerances offers a distinct advantage for applications requiring intricate detail and high reliability.

As the demand for advanced surface finishing solutions continues to rise, it’s imperative to partner with a company that possesses both the expertise and the technical capability to meet the industry’s stringent requirements.

Valence Surface Technologies embodies these qualities, providing unparalleled service and state-of-the-art finishing techniques. By embracing our mission to be the most trusted partner in aerospace surface finishing and offering a fully integrated solution, Valence remains the leading choice for companies seeking top-of-the-line finishing services that meet and exceed industry standards.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the thickness of the metal layer differ between electroforming and electroplating?

The primary difference in metal layer thickness between electroforming and electroplating is that electroforming generally produces much thicker and stronger metal deposits. Electroplating adds a thin layer of metal to the surface of a part for aesthetic or corrosion-resistant purposes. In contrast, electroforming builds part features or entire components by depositing metal layer by layer until the required thickness is achieved.


What are some practical examples of electroplated products?

Common examples of electroplated products include jewelry, coins, automotive parts, and electronic components. These objects often utilize electroplating to enhance appearance, resist corrosion and wear, or improve electrical conductivity.


What factors influence the quality of an electroformed product?

The quality of an electroformed product is influenced by several factors, including the purity and composition of the plating solution, the current density applied during the process, the uniformity of the deposition, and the precise control of the manufacturing conditions. Surface finish, dimensional accuracy, and structural integrity are critical quality aspects evaluated during electroforming.


Is electroforming suitable for mass production?

Electroforming can be suitable for mass production, particularly for intricate and complex shapes not easily produced by other methods. However, it is often reserved for specialized applications due to its slower deposition rates and higher costs when compared to other manufacturing processes.


What are some challenges associated with electroforming?

Challenges associated with electroforming include controlling the deposition process to ensure uniform thickness, managing stresses within the metal layer, and achieving precise dimensional tolerances. Additionally, removing the electroformed part from the mandrel without damaging the part or mandrel can be complex.


How long does an electroforming process typically take?

The duration of an electroforming process varies depending on the size and complexity of the part and the required thickness of the metal layer. It can range from several hours to days. Process times are crucial considerations when addressing production timelines.


What are the environmental considerations of electroforming and electroplating?

Electroforming and electroplating involve the use of chemicals that can be harmful to the environment if not managed correctly. These processes can produce hazardous waste that must be treated and disposed of according to strict regulatory standards to minimize environmental impact.


What are some alternatives to electroforming and electroplating for metal deposition?

Alternatives to electroforming and electroplating include physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), thermal spraying, and sputter deposition. These processes may offer advantages such as reduced environmental impact or better-suited characteristics for particular applications.


What role does surface preparation play in the success of electroforming and electroplating?

Surface preparation is critical to the success of both electroforming and electroplating. Proper cleaning, polishing, and de-greasing of the substrate or mandrel ensure proper adhesion and reduce the likelihood of defects in the deposited metal layer. Some processes may require specific texturing or treatments to enhance adhesion.


What are some safety precautions associated with handling chemicals used in electroforming and electroplating?

Safety precautions include wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), using proper ventilation systems, and rigorously adhering to safety protocols and procedures. Proper storage and disposal of chemicals and regular training on handling hazardous materials are also essential for a safe working environment.

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